Mon. May 20th, 2024

AssembleX: The Voice of Constitutional Conservatism

Welcome to AssembleX, the beacon of conservative media and a grassroots movement that champions the principles of Constitutional conservatism. We are committed to fostering constitution-based engagement among citizens across the United States.

Harnessing the Power of X Platform

Our mission is to unite, inform, and inspire. To achieve this, we leverage the innovative X platform and its unique Spaces feature. This platform allows us to reach out to our community, engage in meaningful discussions, and share valuable insights on the issues that matter most.

AssembleX States: Our Flagship Initiative

Our flagship initiative, AssembleX States, is a testament to our commitment to nationwide engagement. We aim to establish a presence in every state in the country, fostering a network of informed, engaged, and proactive citizens.

AssembleX Idaho: The Pioneer

The journey began with AssembleX Idaho, the first to hold a space on This pioneering initiative set the stage for our nationwide expansion, demonstrating the potential of our platform to foster meaningful, constitution-based discussions.

“AssembleX Idaho is not just a space, it’s a community of like-minded individuals committed to upholding the principles of Constitutional conservatism.”

Join the Movement

We invite you to join us in this journey. Whether you’re a seasoned political enthusiast or a citizen looking to make a difference, there’s a place for you in the AssembleX community.


While we are proud to promote AssembleX, please note that we, Idaho Liberty Lantern (, are not officially affiliated with AssembleX.

AssembleX: Uniting, Informing, Inspiring

At AssembleX, we believe in the power of informed, engaged citizens to shape the future of our nation. Join us as we work to uphold the principles of Constitutional conservatism and foster a more informed, engaged, and proactive America.